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About the Center

How is the Texas Real Estate Research Center governed?

How does one become a member of the Center’s advisory committee?

How is the Texas Real Estate Research Center funded?

Why is the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M?

How do I contact the Center?

What is the Center’s mailing address?

What is the Center’s physical address?

Education and Licensing

What real estate classes does the Center teach? Can I get a real estate degree from Texas A&M?

How do I become an approved real estate instructor?

How do I obtain a Texas real estate license?

Center Data

When are data updated on the website?

Whom do I contact with questions about the market data?

Center Publications

Does the Texas Real Estate Research Center accept advertising, either in TG or on its website?

How do I submit an article to TG magazine?

Are reprints of TG articles available?

How do I update my mailing address?

How would I obtain a sample copy of TG magazine?

Although I am not a real estate licensee, I would like to purchase a subscription to TG magazine. How do I do that?

I am a TREC licensee. How do I cancel my TG subscription?

May I copy and use videos from the Center’s website?

May I republish RECON on my website, in my newsletter, or elsewhere?

To whom should news items for RECON be sent?

May I reprint articles from the Center’s website?


I have a question about real estate in another state. Can you help me?

I have an idea for a research topic. Where do I send it?

Under what conditions might someone from the Center be a speaker for my organization?

Does the Texas Real Estate Research Center recommend computer software?

TG magazine winter cover, featuring a night view of an office building with lights surrounding the glass building.

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