About the Center
An advisory committee appointed by the governor approves the Center’s budget and research agenda. These are submitted to Texas A&M University and from there to the Texas A&M University System’s board of regents for approval. Texas A&M University provides payroll, auditing and other essential support. Day-to-day operations are led by the Center’s executive director.
Real estate license holders fund the Center through a portion of their license fee. Salespersons each pay $20 and brokers each pay $70 when they apply for and renew their licenses. Easement or Right-of-Way Agents and Businesses also pay a $20 fee when they submit and renew their registration forms.
When the Center began in 1971, several Texas universities had the opportunity to house the Center. Only Texas A&M University, however, showed the enthusiasm Texas licensees sought for the new Center. The enabling legislation passed by the Texas legislature put the Center at Texas A&M.
The Texas Real Estate Research Center is located in Two Research Park, a building in the Texas A&M University Research Park west of the main campus. Our physical address is 1700 Research Parkway, Suite 200. Our postal zip is 77843-2115. See map here.
Education and Licensing
The Center offers a variety of seminars and conferences, but it does not teach classes. Texas A&M offers the Master of Real Estate Degree (formerly the Master of Land Economics and Real Estate degree). For information on the master’s degree, contact Angela Degelman at 979-845-4858.
Education providers approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) must review the qualifications of each instructor who teaches their TREC-approved courses for them. You should contact the TREC-approved Education provider for whom you would like to teach courses and ask them to review your credentials to ensure you meet the required qualifications necessary to teach their approved courses. A list of approved Qualifying Education Providers can be found on the TREC website.
The procedures for obtaining a license are available on the Texas Real Estate Commission’s website.
Center Data
MLS data for geographies outside of Houston are released on or near the 20th calendar day after month end. Houston data are released on or near the 40th calendar day after month end.
Building permits are revised during the last five days of the following month. Updates are posted to the Center’s website within 24 hours of the raw data being released by the Census Bureau.
Employment numbers are updated every two weeks.
Send an e-mail to Gerald Klassen.
Center Publications
Although we do not provide reprints, you are welcome to reprint the electronic versions from our website. For bulk orders, contact the senior editor.
TG – If you are a Texas licensee, call or go to the Texas Real Estate Commission website and update the address they have on file for you. There is no charge.
Send an e-mail to trerc-inquiry@tamu.edu.
Although I am not a real estate licensee, I would like to purchase a subscription to TG magazine. How do I do that?
Paid subscriptions to TG magazine are no longer offered. The current magazine, including a digital version, may be viewed on our website. Individual articles are available in the research library. A limited number of complimentary subscriptions is available. To apply, complete a short survey.
Only the individual recipient may request their subscription be discontinued. Send (1) full name, (2) TREC license number (3) TREC license type (sales, individual broker or ERW individual) and (4) contact information (email or telephone number) to: circulation@recenter.tamu.edu. The request may also be mailed to: Circulation Manager, Texas Real Estate Research Center, 1700 Research Pkwy, Ste. 200, College Station, TX 77843-2115.
Senior Editor Bryan Pope is responsible for RECON.
Yes, provided the following conditions are met:
- The article is not resold for profit.
- The author(s) byline is retained.
- “Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University” is cited as the source.
- No substantive changes are made to the original.
- Send the senior editor a copy of the reprint as it was used, either to the physical address given above or by email.
Because we are funded by Texans, our focus is on Texas. We do not have the resources to acquire data on other states. Some limited data, such as Census Bureau employment and population statistics, can be found under the data tab on the Center’s website.
Ideas should be sent to info@recenter.tamu.edu.
The Texas Real Estate Research Center does a limited number of presentations to real estate related trade groups throughout the year. Be advised that the Center’s staff of five speakers also has numerous other responsibilities producing and disseminating quality research, which is the principal mission of the Center. Speakers are in tremendous demand and are booked months in advance. Requests should be directed to info@recenter.tamu.edu.

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