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Jun 14, 2024

Texas A&M developing system to detect infrastructure problems via satellite

COLLEGE STATION – Researchers at Texas A&M are using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing systems to identify infrastructure issues more efficiently. Their goal is to improve the management and...
Strategic Partnerships

COLLEGE STATION – Researchers at Texas A&M are using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing systems to identify infrastructure issues more efficiently. Their goal is to improve the management and maintenance of transportation infrastructure.

The team is developing a method to use SAR technology to inspect pavement, retaining walls, and embankments from space.

As infrastructure systems age, they can become unsafe and more expensive to fix. The ability to detect structural deficiencies such as cracks or potholes early saves funds, increases road safety and prevents further damage.

The benefits of early detection include planning for repairs ahead of time and budgeting for potential issues, the team said. By incorporating SAR data, asset managers can address flaws early and avoid emergencies.

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